When to Visit a Pediatric Orthodontist

Pediatric Orthodontist Laguna Hills, CA

Pediatric orthodontist is much more than just achieving straight teeth for your children. Many parents wonder at what age should their child see an orthodontist. Are there signs that your child needs to have the teeth evaluated? While there is not a set time to see an orthodontist, there are some guidelines that can help when it comes to pediatric orthodontics.

When does a child need pediatric orthodontics?

It may surprise you how many children have some level of crowded teeth or incorrectly developed jaws. Parents tend to notice these issues quite early. If you notice your child have any issues regarding biting or chewing, they may have to see an orthodontist about teeth alignment.

The same goes for any speaking issues as well. This may be a clear sign that your child has some teeth protruding, crowded or misplaced. Keep in mind that most of these issues are easily spotted during a dental examination. As long as your children see the dentist once every six months, you will know when to seek treatment.

Failure to see a pediatric orthodontist when these issues arise can cause some facial irregularities. Teeth and jaw alignment can affect the cheekbones and lead to bad habits like breathing from the mouth.

When should a child see an orthodontist?

The earlier an orthodontist sees an issue, the faster they can begin a reliable treatment method. The American Academy of Orthodontics recommends that children see an orthodontist by the age of six or seven. This is around the prime age for teeth development. A pediatric orthodontist can catch your child’s overbite or underbite quite easily at this time. Since the jaws are still growing, the orthodontist can adjust them to prevent long-term harm. If your child does not receive an adjustment like this, they might need surgery as an adult.

The orthodontist may also use space maintainers to preserve your child’s smile. If a child loses a baby tooth, the nearby teeth might fill the gap. This will cause the adult teeth to grow in the wrong spot. For this reason, a space maintainer will keep the location of the lost tooth open to allow proper growth.

Adolescent treatment options

If your child already has their adult teeth, there are still treatment options available. Metal braces, clear ceramic braces, and Invisalign are some of the most popular treatment options for those who have issues with their adult teeth. Each of these procedures serves to reposition the teeth and correct poor jaw alignment.

Finding a pediatric orthodontist

Regardless of the age of your child, there are always orthodontic treatments available. From preventing the primary teeth from shifting to correct an incorrect bite, pediatric orthodontics is here to help. Correcting issues at a young age will improve your child’s smile and help you avoid more invasive or expensive procedures.

If you notice something off about your child’s smile or if a dentist recommends visiting an orthodontist, please call our office.

Are you considering pediatric orthodontics in the Laguna Hills area? Get more information at https://www.orangecoastortho.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Pediatric Orthodontist in Laguna Hills, CA.

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