Understanding the Specifics of Orthodontic Care
Due to the various specialties in orthodontia, some orthodontists may only treat children instead of adults. Additionally, dentofacial orthopedics is an area of orthodontic care that involves more surgical elements in order to correct issues with the jaw or face. Overall, an orthodontist in California treats the position of teeth and the jaw; while also changing the overall shape and appearance of a patient's face. At Orange Coast Orthodontics, we find that many of our patients are pleasantly surprised by how dramatically different they look once their orthodontic treatment is complete.
Orthodontia was technically the first specialty created in the field of dentistry. In order to become an orthodontist, Dr. Bobby Ghandehari had to complete additional schooling along with dental school. An orthodontist continues to train until he or she becomes a true expert at straightening teeth and aligning the jaw. This ensures dependable and reliable results for patients seeking orthodontic care. If you live in the Laguna Hills area and are considering straightening your teeth, we invite you to call (949) 860-1231 and schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Bobby Ghandehari. We will discuss your goals along with the treatment options that are available to you.
Why Orthodontics is Necessary
As a Laguna Hills orthodontist, we find that many children suffer from overcrowding teeth issues, creating the need for our procedures. Overcrowding can cause teeth to grow in at incorrect or crooked positions, leading to difficulties as an adult.
Whether from an accident or a lack of oral hygiene, when a baby tooth falls out prematurely, the teeth around it move into the open space. This can cause the shape of the palate to change, taking up the room the adult tooth needs to grow in properly. In the past, many people had their teeth pulled in order to make space for all of their permanent teeth. Now, we can create space in your teeth using a variety of treatment methods.
At Orange Coast Orthodontics, we also treat patients using orthodontics if their jaw is out of place. This can make it painful to speak, chew and even open one’s mouth. When the bite is off, many people find simple daily activities uncomfortable and seek treatment as a result. In other cases, we provide solutions for teeth that have grown in crooked, even if there was enough space for them. Fortunately, orthodontic treatment can resolve all of these issues.
The Procedure
If you are considering straightening your teeth, there are several ways to do so. Regardless of the option you choose, the concept is virtually the same. The appliance must consistently apply pressure to move the teeth into position. We cannot force teeth into place immediately. There must be slow and consistent pressure in order to ensure that the teeth move without being damaged. Therefore, we do not apply pressure to all of the teeth at the same time. Instead, we apply pressure to specific teeth. An adjustment is made to apply additional force to a different tooth or teeth while holding the other ones in place.
When treating patients throughout Laguna Hills we are cognizant of the importance of continued oral health care. We recommend that patients do a thorough job of regularly brushing and flossing their teeth. This will decrease the risk of cavities and gum disease while receiving orthodontic care.
Once the procedure is over, most patients are required to wear a retainer. Children that straighten their teeth may only need to wear a retainer for a couple of years, whereas adults often find themselves wearing a retainer for life. Ongoing retention ensures that teeth do not move back into their previous position – a risk with any orthodontics treatment.